Math Textbook (Work in Progress)

by John Della Rosa

Higher Order Linear


Linear Differential Equaiton

We say that a differential equation is linear if it is a linear polynomial in the function and its derivatives. $$a_n(x)y^{(n)}+a_{n-1}(x)y^{(n-1)}+\dots+a_1(x)y'+a_0(x)y=g(x)$$

Homogeneous Case

We can call a differential equation homogeoneous if g(x)=0

Superposition Principle

If \(y_{1}(x)\) and \(y_{2}(x)\) are two solutions of a homogeneous linear differential equation, then any linear combination \(c_1y_1(x)+c_2y_2(x)\) is also a solution.

Characteristic Equation

Let us consider a second order homogeneous linear differential equation $$ay''+by'+cy=0$$ Since the function and its derivatives must cancel each other out, we might guess that the answer is an exponential. $$y=e^{mx}$$ We have the following derivatives for y: $$y'=me^{mx}$$ $$y''=m^2e^{mx}$$ Plugging in to our differential equation: $$am^2e^{mx}+bme^{mx}+ce^{mx}=0$$ $$(am^2+bm+c)e^{mx}=0$$ If the product of two factors is 0, then at least one of the factors must be 0. Because \(e^{mx}\) will never be 0, we need not consider it for finding roots. We can then focus on the equation $$am^2+bm+c=0$$ Which is a simple polynomial of m. We can then find the values of m for which the equation is 0, by factoring, quadratic equation, or completing the square.

Let \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) be the roots of the polynomial.
If \(m_1\neq m_2\), we have the following solution $$y=c_1e^{m_1x}+c_2e^{m_2x}$$ If \(m_1=m_2\), or we have repeated roots in the higher order case, the repeats will have an additional factor of x for the number repeat it is. $$y=c_1e^{m_1x}+c_2xe^{m_1x}$$

Complex Roots

But what if we have complex roots?
\(e^{mx}\) is still valid for complex m. Euler's formula gives the relationship for a complex exponent. $$e^{ix}=\cos x+i \sin(x)$$ Another relevant formula is that of de Moivre's which states $$(\cos x+i\sin x)^n=\cos nx+i\sin nx$$ The real part of an exponent can be factored out, letting us get $$e^{(a+bi)x}=e^{ax}\left[cos(bx)+i\sin(bx)\right]$$ Since actually do not care whether the constants in front of solutions are real or complex, we get the solutions $$y=e^{ax}\left[c_1\cos(bx)+c_2\sin(bx)\right]$$ as the solution if the root is m=a+bi

Second Order DE Dampening Comparison
Harmonic Oscillator Dampening Patterns

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Define the system parameters
m = 1  # mass
k = 1  # spring constant

# Damping values: c1 for underdamped, c2 for overdamped, and c3 for critically damped
c1 = 0.5  # underdamped
c2 = 3    # overdamped
c3 = 2 * np.sqrt(m*k)  # critically damped

# Time vector
t = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)

# Responses
# Underdamped response
omega_0 = np.sqrt(k/m)
zeta1 = c1 / (2 * np.sqrt(m*k))
omega_d1 = omega_0 * np.sqrt(1 - zeta1**2)
phi = np.arctan(np.sqrt(1 - zeta1**2) / zeta1)
x1 = (1/np.sqrt(1 - zeta1**2)) * np.exp(-zeta1 * omega_0 * t) * np.sin(omega_d1 * t + phi)

# Overdamped response
zeta2 = c2 / (2 * np.sqrt(m*k))
alpha1 = -zeta2 * omega_0 + omega_0 * np.sqrt(zeta2**2 - 1)
alpha2 = -zeta2 * omega_0 - omega_0 * np.sqrt(zeta2**2 - 1)
C1 = alpha2 / (alpha2 - alpha1)
C2 = -alpha1 / (alpha2 - alpha1)
x2 = C1 * np.exp(alpha1 * t) + C2 * np.exp(alpha2 * t)

# Critically damped response
x3 = (1 + omega_0 * t) * np.exp(-omega_0 * t)

# Plotting
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(t, x1, label='Underdamped (Oscillatory)')
plt.plot(t, x2, label='Overdamped (Non-Oscillatory)')
plt.plot(t, x3, label='Critically Damped (Fastest Return)')
plt.axhline(0, color='black',linewidth=0.5)
plt.axvline(0, color='black',linewidth=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Displacement from Equilibrium (cm)')
plt.title('Underdamped vs. Overdamped vs. Critically Damped Response')

Cauchy-Euler Equations

Cauchy-Euler equations are a class of linear differential equations that have variable coefficients. The general form of a Cauchy-Euler equation of order n is given by: $$x^ny^{(n)}+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}y^{(n-1)}+\dots+a_1xy'+a_0y=0$$

Characteristic Equation

While we previously assumed an exponential solution for regular homogeneous equations, for Cauchy-Euler equations we assume a solution of the form $$y=x^m$$ Plugging this in gives us the characteristic equation $$m(m-1)(m-2)\dots(m-(n-1))+a_{n-1}m(m-1)\dots(m-2)+\dots+a_0=0$$ We solve the polynomial for m similar to before.


For distinct real roots, the general solution is $$y(x)=c_1x^{m_1}+\dots+c_nx^{m_n}$$ If a root m is repeated k times, the corresponding terms gain powers of \(\ln(x)\) $$x^m,x^m\ln(x),x^m(\ln(x))^2\dots,x^m(\ln(x))^{k-1}$$ For complex roots \(m=\alpha\pm i\beta\), the corresponding terms in the general solution are $$x^\alpha\cos(\beta\ln(x))\text{ and }x^\alpha\sin(\beta\ln(x))$$


But what if \(g(x)\neq 0\)?
Nonhomogeneous Spring Harmonic
Harmonic Oscillator with Forcing Function

                    import numpy as np
                    from scipy.integrate import odeint
                    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                    from scipy.signal import square
                    # Define the system parameters
                    m = 1.0  # Mass
                    b = 0.5  # Damping coefficient
                    k = 10.0  # Spring constant
                    # Define the square wave forcing term
                    A = 1.0  # Amplitude of the square wave
                    f = 0.5  # Frequency of the square wave
                    F = lambda t: A * square(2 * np.pi * f * t)# if (t >= 2 and t <= 8) else 0
                    # Define the ODE system
                    def system(Y, t):
                        x, v = Y
                        dxdt = v
                        dvdt = (F(t) - b * v - k * x) / m
                        return [dxdt, dvdt]
                    # Time array
                    t = np.linspace(0, 20, 1000)
                    # Initial conditions: x = 0, v = 0
                    Y0 = [0, 0]
                    # Solve the ODE
                    solution = odeint(system, Y0, t)
                    # Extract the position (x) from the solution
                    x = solution[:, 0]
                    # Plot the solution
                    plt.plot(t, x, label="Position ($x$)")
                    plt.plot(t, [F(ti) for ti in t], linestyle="--", label="Forcing Term ($F(t)$)")
                    plt.title("Spring Harmonic with Piecewise Forcing Function")
                    plt.xlabel("Time ($t$)")
                    plt.axhline(0, color='black',linewidth=0.5)
                    plt.axvline(0, color='black',linewidth=0.5)
                    plt.grid(color = 'gray', linestyle = '--', linewidth = 0.5)
There are multiple ways to solve these sorts of equations.

Method of Undetermined Coefficients


This can be used when g is a polynomial, exponential, sine, and/or cosine function.


  1. Guess the form
  2. Differentiate the guess
  3. Substitute into the differential equation
  4. Equate coefficients


If the guessed form is already a solution to the homogeneous version of the differential equation, multiply the guess by a factor of t.

Variation of Parameters

Variation of parameters is a more widely applicable method compared to Method of Undetermined Coefficients.


  1. Determine homogeneous solutions
  2. Construct Wronskian matrix
  3. Get coefficients for homogeneous solution

Determine homogeneous solution

Use previous methods to solve the case where g(x)=0

Construct Wronskian

For an equation with two homogeneous solutions, the Wronskian is given by: $$W=det\begin{bmatrix} y_1 & y_2\\ y_1' &y_2' \end{bmatrix}$$ This simplifies to \(y_1y_2'-y_2y_1'\)

Get Coefficients

The derivatives of the coefficients are given by $$u_1'=\frac{-y_2g(t)}{W}$$ $$u_2'=\frac{y_1g(t)}{W}$$ Upon integrating, this gives the solution $$y_p(t)=u_1(t)y_1(t)+u_2(t)y_2(t)$$




  1. Solve the Cauchy-Euler equation:
    1. \(x^2y''+xy'-y=0\)