Distribution Textbook (Work in Progress)

by John Della Rosa

Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression Equations

Manual Data Input

Predicted 0 (False) Predicted 1 (True)
Actual 0 (False) 0 0
Actual 1 (True) 0 0

Model Metrics

Accuracy: 0%

Precision: 0%

Recall: 0%

F1-Score: 0

AUC: 0

Logistic Regression Visualization Tool: User Manual


This tool allows you to explore logistic regression by:

  1. Adding data points manually or via random generation.
  2. Visualizing how the logistic regression model fits the data.
  3. Adjusting the decision threshold dynamically.
  4. Observing real-time updates to the decision boundary, heatmap, and confusion matrix.


1. Manual Data Input:

2. Autogenerate Random Points:

3. Logistic Regression Fitting:

4. Adjusting the Threshold:

5. Confusion Matrix:

How to Use:

1. Manual Data Entry:

2. Autogenerate Random Points:

3. Adjust the Threshold:

4. Confusion Matrix:

Example Workflow:

  1. Input Points Manually: Enter points with Feature 1 = 2, Feature 2 = 3, Label = 1, and add them to the plot. Repeat for other points.
  2. Adjust the Threshold: Use the slider to adjust the threshold and see how it affects predictions and the confusion matrix.
  3. Analyze the Confusion Matrix: Observe how the model’s accuracy and classification performance (True Positives, False Positives, etc.) change with the threshold.

Technical Notes: