Phantasy Star Online Tech Damage Calculator
Calculates the amount of damage that a tech should do for the following parameters
- Single-player
Bonuses should be decimal values between 0 and 1, inclusive. Header number (excluding 0) corresponds to tech level.
- FOmar: +0.3 to Gi techs, +0.3 to Grants. +100% to S/D range
- FOmarl: +0.5 to Grants. +100% range to Anti, Resta, S/D
- FOnewm: +0.3 to Gi and Ra techs
- FOnewearl: +0.3 to Foie, Zonde, Barta; +100% range to Resta and Anti; Megid pierces
Results are formatted as: Damage per hit (Number of hits required to kill)
Data and formula taken from Ephinea